Hi! I'm Xiaodong

About me

I am currently a research scientist at AMD GenAI. I received my PhD degree from Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, advised by Professor Dan Roth. Before going to Penn, I was a master's student at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 

My research generally focuses on retrieval/faithfulness of knowledge, long-context understanding, math reasoning, and LLM/VLM training. 

Email: xdyu AT seas DOT upenn DOT edu


We are hiring full-time research scientists and research interns. Feel free to reach out if you are interested. 


Samuel Schmidgall, Yusheng Su, Ze Wang, Ximeng Sun, Jialian Wu, Xiaodong Yu, Jiang Liu, Zicheng Liu and Emad Barsoum

Link: [PDF]

Xiaodong Yu*, Ben Zhou*, Hao Cheng, Dan Roth

(* Equal Contribution)

Link: [PDF]

Qingru Zhang*, Xiaodong Yu*, Chandan Singh, Xiaodong Liu, Liyuan Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Tuo Zhao, Dan Roth, Hao Cheng 

(* Equal Contribution)

Link: [PDF]

Xiaodong Yu, Hao Cheng, Xiaodong Liu, Dan Roth, Jianfeng Gao

Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL findings), 2024

Link: [PDF]

Xiaodong Yu*, Ben Zhou*, Dan Roth (* Equal Contribution)

arXiv preprint, 2023

Link: [PDF]

Xiaodong Yu, Wenpeng Yin, Nitish Gupta, Dan Roth

Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), 2023

Link: [PDF]

Ben Zhou, Kyle Richardson, Xiaodong Yu, Dan Roth

Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2022

Link: [PDF]

Zheng Qi, Elior Sulem, Haoyu Wang, Xiaodong Yu, Dan Roth

The 11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), 2022

Link: [PDF]

Xiaodong Yu, Wenpeng Yin, Dan Roth

The 11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), 2022

Link: [PDF]

Haoyang Wen, Ying Lin, Tuan Manh Lai, Xiaoman Pan, Sha Li, Xudong Lin, Ben Zhou, Manling Li, Haoyu Wang, Hongming Zhang, Xiaodong Yu, Alexander Dong, Zhenhailong Wang, Yi Ren Fung, Piyush Mishra, Qing Lyu, Dídac Surís, Brian Chen, Susan Windisch Brown, Martha Palmer, Chris Callison-Burch, Carl Vondrick, Jiawei Han, Dan Roth, Shih-Fu Chang, Heng Ji

Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL Demonstrations), 2021

Link: [PDF]

Xingyu Fu*, Weijia Shi*, Xiaodong Yu, Zian Zhao, Dan Roth

Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2020

Link: [PDF]


Xiaodong Yu, Stephen Mayhew, Mark Sammons, Dan Roth

Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2018

Link: [PDF]

Daniel Khashabi, Mark Sammons, Ben Zhou, Tom Redman, Christos Christodoulopoulos, Vivek Srikumar, Nicholas Rizzolo, Lev Ratinov, Guanheng Luo, Quang Do, Chen-Tse Tsai, Subhro Roy, Stephen Mayhew, Zhili Feng, John Wieting, Xiaodong Yu, Yangqiu Song, Shashank Gupta, Shyam Upadhyay, Naveen Arivazhagan, Qiang Ning, Shaoshi Ling, Dan Roth 

11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2018

Link: [PDF]


PhD in Computer and Information Science

Advisor: Professor Dan Roth

Master of Science in Computer Science

Advisor: Professor Dan Roth

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Advisor: Professor Dan Roth

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Working Experience

Research Scientist

Research Intern

Applied Scientist Intern

Research Intern